Notes on the Iroquois; or Contributions to American History, Antiquities, and General Ethnology

Notes on the Iroquois; or Contributions to American History, Antiquities, and General Ethnology

Notes on the Iroquois; or Contributions to America ....
Schoolcraft, Henry R

About the Book

It seemed desirable that before the modern materials of the Iroquois history could be well employed, we should accumulate something tangible and certain of their general polity, wars, and actual statistics, and also something of the ancient period of their earlier traditions, and lore, which might help the inquirer to clear up the boundaries of historical mystery which shroud the Indian period prior to 1492.

Series: Book of Mormon Geography
Genre: Book of Mormon Geography
Publisher: Land of Promise
Publication Year: 2009
ISBN: 1601355025
List Price: $24.95